
In the sixth series, Janey and son Kenzo spend much more time at the Harper house than is good for Ben, and Micheal moves from scam to scam with alarming ease. Add to that the ever-so-slowly blossoming of the Abi-Roger romance and the new cuckoo in the nest, wiser-than-he-looks Alfie Butts and the problems multiply. The family's hurdles include Ben joining a secret society (The Brotherhood of the Cockerel), Suasn's new job leading her to a dinner date with a new man and an encounter with squatters. In other words, as usual, problems and situations constantly conspire to remind Ben and Susan that 'Family' is an 'F' word.


邪恶 第四季


布莱克书店 第一季




警察世家 第十季

红鹰 第五季 Águila Roja Season 5
